

信息来源:大众网 发布日期:2018-01-31 19:00

“My seven years of rural life in northern Shaanxi Province gave me something mysterious and sacred,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping during a 1995 interview. He started working in the countryside at the age of 15, an experience which shaped his personality and helped him become the man he is today.


My seven-year rural life in northern Shaanxi Province gave me something mysterious and sacred.


Whenever I faced a challenge or a test or started a new job, I could somehow hear my fellow Shaanxi folks singing local songs on the farm.


I think in my life, there are two kinds of people who have helped me the most.


The first were pioneers of revolutionary times, the others were my fellow Shaanxi villagers.


I came to know that fundamental power rests with people. I gained a better understanding of ordinary people and society. This was the most fundamental influence.


My idea of seeking truth from facts was formed then, and it has influenced me until now.


原文标题《不忘初心:是什么造就了今天的澳门银河游戏:?》(发布时间:2018-01-30 )

中国人民政治协商会议山东省济南市委员会办公厅 ? 2017 版权所有 澳门银河官网_澳门银河游戏_中国竞彩网官网推荐

济南市历下区龙鼎大道1号龙奥大厦15层 邮编:250099

General Office, Jinan Committee, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

主办:济南市政协办公厅 承办:济南广播电视台新媒体中心

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